Rare Case Request Listserve (Google Group)
NASHNP has created a google groups listserve that is available to all members as a way to share rare cases. The aim of the listserve is to provide a mechanism for head and neck pathologists to collect rare cases for collaborative case series/research projects by soliciting cases from fellow head and neck pathologists.
Your participation in the listserve is completely voluntary. In order to join the “Rare Case Request” google group, you will need to sign up to join the group by one of the following methods:
1) The easiest way to sign up is if you have a gmail address. You can simply request access at: https://groups.google.com/g/nashnp-rare-case-request
2) If you do not have or do not want to obtain a gmail address, please email an officer and we will manually add you to the group.
Once you have joined, you can send an email to all group members with the following email: nashnp-rare-case-request@googlegroups.com